The department has links with BASICS(NI) and NIAS through Dr Davy Green.
Throughout the year there will be CPD nights and other sessions including multiservice events.
If you are interested in Pre-hospital Medicine contact Dr Green.
ATACC Manual
Follow @ATACCFaculty on twitter or watch their webpage at PHEM ATACC for the manual at the bottom of the page
Joint Emergency Services Training
NI HEMS Public Consultation
The NIHEMS Public consultation is now finished and the health minister has announced a Helicopter Emergency Medical Service for Northern Ireland
The Trauma Professionals Blog
The First Law of Trauma: Any anomaly in your trauma patient is due to trauma, no matter how unlikely it may seem.
The Second Law of Trauma: Your trauma patient is bleeding to death until you prove otherwise.
The Third Law of Trauma: The only place an unstable trauma patient can go is to the OR.
The Fourth Law of Trauma: Even awake, alert, and stable patients die. And it hurts that much more when they do.
Traumatic Cardiac Arrest
Sydney HEMS