Teaching during the duration of your attachment in the Emergency Department will consist of sessions on Thursday and Friday mornings. This will help you get the most out of your attachment in the Emergency Department and enable you to finish the placement with the ability to manage a wide variety of conditions.
The teaching curriculum has been mapped to RCEM curriculum topics. Sessions will be a mix of department based lectures (via consultants and registrars), case presentations (by junior tier doctors), simulation and online materials in the form of podcasts and useful educational resources. We will upload an overview of the topics we feel you should be comfortable managing by the end of the attachment. For each of the weeks we would expect you to have read up on the topic to be covered before the teaching session and the accompanying document will guide you to resources to enable you to do that. Most of the web addresses on it are hyperlinked to the original article.
If your name is on the rota for a particular session we would expect a simple case report presentation with some learning points around the case. If possible this should be related to the major topic on the day.
You are rostered to attend as many of these sessions as possible. These sessions are protected. If you would like to attend on a day you are not rostered, feel free to attend. At the end of your attachment each trainee will receive an attendance record of teaching sessions attended. Even if you are not able to attend teaching it is for your own benefit that you read around the topics covered.