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WessexICS – REVERT trial review
Here the Journal Club papers from the last year that we have used
//decided not to link the papers directly as I’m not sure which were open access and which weren’t
JC 040615 – Ambulatory Management of Large Spontaneous Pneumothorax With Pigtail Catheters
JC 040914 – Use of a comprehensive metabolic panel POCT to reduce length of stay in the ED. a RCT
JC 050315 – The PITCHFORK Trial
JC 220115 – Assessing 2 DDimer age-adjustment strategies to optimise CT use in ED evaluation of pulmonary embolism.
JC 210515 – Prehospital end-tidal carbon dioxide differentiates between cardiac and obstructive causes of dyspnoea
JC 201114 – Topical lidocaine to improve oral intake in children with painful infectious mouth ulcers: A blinded randomised RCT
JC 161014 – Goal directed resuscitation for patients with early septic shock
JC 160415 – Use of glucagon in relieving esophageal food bolus impaction in the era of eosinophilic esophageal infiltration
JC 140515 – Apneic oxygenation was associated with decreased desaturation rates during RSI by an Australian HEMS
JC 131114 – Mortality after fluid bolus in African children with severe infection
JC 090415 – Efficacy and safety of paracetamol for spinal pain and osteoarthritis: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised placebo controlled trials
JC 080115 – Validation of the risk estimator decision aid for atrial fibrillation for predicting 30-day adverse events in ED patients with AF
JC 230415 – Clinical scaphoid score (CSS) to identify scaphoid fracture with MRI in patients with normal xray after a wrist trauma
JC 231014 – A double blin, randomised, placebo-controlled trial of oral midazolam plus oral ketamine for sedation of children during laceration repair
JC 250914 – Incidence of clinically important biphasic reactions in ED patients with allergic reactions or anaphylaxis
JC 260215 – Transfusion of plasma,platelets and red blood cells in a 1:1:1 vs a 1:1:2 ratio and mortality in patients with severe trauma
JC 271114 – Manual vs integrated automatic load-distributing band CPR with equal survival after OOH cardiac arrest. The CIRC trial.
JC 280814 – Accuracy of point of care ultrasonography for diagnosis of elbow fractures in children
JC 290115 – Association of traumatic brain injuries with vomiting in children with blunt head trauma
JC 300415 – Intravenous subdissociative dose ketamine vs morphine for analgesia in the ED: a RCT
JC 301014 – LP or not LP, that is the question: gold standard or unnecessary procedure in subarachnoid haemorrhage?