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Monthly Archives: September 2015
Lumps, Germans and Tendons
New posts in Resources>EM Morsels about inguinal anatomy and hernias, lobar collapse signs and a neat wee test for central extensor slip tendon rupture!
More One Minute Wonders
Lysis falling out of favour?
EMJ blog – TPA controversy
The handover presentation from the NIAS CPD night is now available under the resources section – BASICS (NI)
Useful site with plenty of info about the underused intranasal route for drug administration
The MAD (mucosal atomisation device) shown below is a great simple bit of EM kit
Improving Valsalva success
Have a look at the excellent Wessex Intensive Care Society rundown on the REVERT trial
Ten Commandments of Trauma
Good write up about trauma resuscitation – RebelEM
One Minute Wonders
Added a few more – median nerve, Addisonian crisis and ATMIST handover details. Feel free to use/alter!