Syncope in a child, a 2 minute wonder rather than the usual one minute wonder!
Monthly Archives: May 2016
A ‘pop’ in the chest……
Interesting case with an impressive cxr!
Not one that I would have sent home….
New RCEM delerium/agitated behaviour guidelines
Hot off the press!
Tasty Morsels of EM 064 – Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus – Emergency Medicine Ireland
If you hadn't heard of this condition, go read up on it here!!
Ketamine Sedation in the ED
A few pointers here on procedural sedation and ketamine in the ED
Surviving stress
Excellent read through about dealing with stressful situations in the ED and the concept of Stress Innoculation Training (SIT)
Adult Epiglottitis Update – emdocs
Useful synopsis on adult epiglottitis. Not exactly an update as it is from 2013, useful nonetheless!