Author Archives: gcs3
Le Fort fractures
Really good explanation on medtwitter by Dr Lea Alhilali about these injuries and how / why they are classified!

Floaters – useful short video
Unilateral opacified hemithorax
Errors – Type I (false positive) and Type II (false negative)

Vasovagal syncope
Just remember that a simple vasovagal episode can be associated with seizure like activity. This is not epilepsy but often described as such by witnesses. Labelling someone as epileptic has potentially profound impact on job, driving, leisure etc so take a careful history and examine properly!
Watch the YT video below for examples of vasovagal episodes with seizure type activity
Paediatric imaging resource lots of useful stuff here!

Killer ECG Patterns – non ischaemic
Courtesy of @rob_buttner at LITFL

Chest X-ray: Graphic Novel |
Great free CXR interpretation course from radiopaedia!